Sunday Oct 15, 2023

17. Purpose: The Path to Productivity and Fulfilment

Are you ready to break free from the chains of procrastination and discover the essence of your life's purpose? Let me, your host Sarah Love, guide you through a transformative journey of aligning your actions with your intentions. As I navigate my own life changes, including marriage, relocating back to the UK, and embracing a new academic journey in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology, I'll share how I've battled procrastination and shaped my brain to support my intentions. You'll gain valuable insights on overcoming procrastination, unlocking manifestation, and harnessing the power of positive psychology. 

My recent life changes have inspired me to release new podcast episodes every Sunday, offering wisdom to unfulfilled professionals eager to manifest their dream lives. We'll dive into exploring your life's purpose, underscoring the importance of aligning with your values and living a life that makes you feel truly alive. This isn't an overnight process, it requires self-reflection, experimenting with new activities, and a relentless commitment to your growth. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery and purpose-driven productivity together. I believe that by understanding your values and what makes you feel alive, we can cultivate a life of fulfillment and break the cycle of procrastination. I look forward to our Sundays together.


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